Thursday, May 17, 2007
Call me Peter Pan.....or maybe Wendy
Yes, that is me.
I flew through the air with the greatest of ease... LOL, with a lot of trepidation is more like it.
Before I grabbed the bar I had to climb the 32-foot ladder at I.FLY, a flying trapeze and aerial arts school, quaking all the way.
Once I got up there, I realized there was no other way off that perch. (No way was I going to climb back down that ladder.) So I kicked off my sneakers and flew off, screaming high into the blue sky on my first flying trapeze lesson.
Now that I've mastered swinging and falling into the net, next time I'll hang by my knees, do a flip and rocket over to the other bar. By the way, the only way off the net( LOLOL) was to somersault the 10 feet to the mat below.
The adrenaline rush was incredible! It literally makes you feel like you can do anything!
Just another day in the life of the pampered journalist.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
The Great White Way
It was kind of like clicking the remote. Eight minutes per show. That's all we got. But it was enough time to watch the wedding scene in each of five Broadway shows on a recent evening, enough of a preview to know which shows I'd really like to sit down and watch...
"Prelude to a Kiss" -- closed already.. no loss.
"Pirate Queen" -- a huge extravaganza, well costumed but Irish jigs just don't do it for me
"Drowsy Chaperone" -- worth another trip
"Spamalot" -- A lot of laughs...
"Mamma Mia" -- been there, done that, the music makes the show.
To read more on my life as a professional wedding crasher, here's the story from today's New York Times...
And Let’s All Hope for a Long Run
DANIELLE BOBISH, a freelance wedding coordinator with a musical-theater background, makes no bones about it: “All weddings technically have a show value to them.”
With the ante for wedding theatrics growing to mythic proportions, Ms. Bobish tries to go beyond the usual array of bridal magazines and television shows for inspiration. That’s one reason she recently decided to take two clients to witness five wedding scenes featured in Broadway shows.
Click here to go to Times Select and read the rest:And Let’s All Hope for a Long Run - New York Times
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Hayes is for Horses
Okay, so I didn't ride Austin the Wonderhorse out on the farm last week. But I did learn alot from Horse Whisperer Tim Hayes and his equestrian clinic. So as soon as I find a stallion.....
Anyway, bottom line: horses are like people. Show 'em love, trust and respect and they'll take you on a fun ride. Otherwise you might just get bucked.
Here's an outtake that landed on the editing floor:
Horses are natural followers, Mr. Hayes said, and seek a leader to look after them and protect them from predators.
“Horses are afraid of only one thing: getting eaten,” he said. “They are not afraid of getting divorced. They are not afraid of low bank accounts.” Once horses know they are safe, they are comfortable and happy.
Here's the rest of the story from The New York Times.
Don’t Just Ride Horses, He Says: Get to Know Them
TIM HAYES, 62, didn’t get on a horse until he was 48.
He was recently divorced, and vacationing in Idaho, when some friends took him on a trail ride. The champion roping horse he rode was smooth and fast, and Mr. Hayes was hooked.
“Before that time, I thought to be a good rider meant that the person had to know everything,” he said. “I didn’t realize that it was also the horse.”
Mr. Hayes decided to learn more about horses. For the next three years, whenever he had a break from his work in Manhattan as a producer and screenwriter for television commercials, he returned to the cattle ranch.
Cowboys taught him to rope and brand. Comparing himself to Clark Gable’s aging cowboy in “The Misfits,” Mr. Hayes said he was set to go the traditional “rough, tough” route and become a horse breaker. “I was going to be real macho,” Mr. Hayes recalled.
After reading a newspaper article about a gentler way of training horses, he began to wonder what the horses felt and thought when riders climbed on their backs. Over the next few years he sought out master horsemen in Colorado and California and studied natural horsemanship, a kinder method of training and riding horses based on mutual trust and respect rather than force.
“It is not just about riding horses,” said Mr. Hayes, who once considered a career in psychiatry. “It is about communicating; it is about helping horses that have problems.” To do that, he had to understand the way horses, who are herd animals, communicate with other horses through body language and touch, he said.
Back in Manhattan, where he lived at the time, he began giving lessons in 1997 at the Chelsea Equestrian Center and worked as a trail guide at Deep Hollow Ranch in Montauk on weekends.
Horse owners and riders started calling him for advice. He started making barn calls and giving clinics and lessons. After his mother died in 2003, he decided to change his life, closed his film business, moved to Easthampton full time and became a self-described horse whisperer.
“Natural only means what is natural for horses, not what is natural for people,” Mr. Hayes said on a recent afternoon here, giving a clinic with his 18-year-old quarter horse, Austin the Wonderhorse, for 25 equestrians in the indoor riding barn at Knoll Farm, a horse farm that specializes in dressage. “Most people make horseback riding convenient for themselves without taking into consideration the horse.”
Mr. Hayes said a rider’s relationship with his horse should encompass love, trust and respect.
“A relationship is not just physical; it is mental and emotional,” Mr. Hayes said. “If they don’t have the three things the relationship will not work.”
Horses are natural followers, Mr. Hayes said, and seek a leader to protect them from predators.
“Horses are afraid of only one thing: getting eaten,” he said. Once horses know they are safe, he said, they are comfortable and happy.
The horse trainer also works with riders on their fears, advising them to feel secure before mounting. “It’s a little too late when you get on a horse’s back to find out they won’t stop,” he said.
Gentleness is paramount.
“A fly lands on a horse and it makes him move, right?” Mr. Hayes said, standing in the corral and making Austin turn, trot, canter and gallop at the slightest touch. “I never have to be firmer than a fly.”
Riding is the icing on the cake. “That’s true intimacy between human and horse,” Mr. Hayes said. “It’s like dancing; you want a wonderful partner that you already feel comfortable with.”
The principles of good riding are the same for English-style dressage and Western-style reining, he added.
Mr. Hayes saddled Austin without putting him in crossties. He uses a rope halter instead of a bit, making the horse move by shifting his body weight forward and back, right and left.
Horses, Mr. Hayes said, have qualities like tolerance, patience and kindness that “a lot of us, including me, lost along the way.”
“If I try to be more like a horse, not only will my relationship and my riding get better, but I am going to become a better person, too,” Mr. Hayes said.
Monday, May 7, 2007
The Chocolate Whipped Cream Diet
Skip the flour, sugar and salt. Toss the carbs.
Guaranteed the pounds will melt off.But to curb the cravings, and satisfy an insatiable sweet tooth, the secret is
Chocolate Reddi-Wip....
It's Not What You Say, It's How You Say It
Everything you need to know you learned in kindergarten. And maybe before. The ditties are for the little kiddies on the PBS series, "Sheira & Loli's Ditty Doodle Works," but the messages are so on target even boomers should watch.
Especially some that I know. Helloooo?
Here's the story from The New York Times...
Sister Acts
THE life lessons are in the lyrics.
On tone of voice: “It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it,” sing Sheira and Loli, the life-size rag-doll twins starring in “Sheira & Loli’s Dittydoodle Works,” a television series for young children set in a magical music and art factory.
On listening: “Are you not paying attention or is it that you don’t care?” they sing. “How can you be over here when your mind is over there?”
The characters’ voices, catchy tunes and insights are those of the 42-year-old twin sisters Sheira and Leora “Loli” Brayer, who have written 170 songs for the program.
Sister Acts - New York Times
Saturday, May 5, 2007
School's Out...For The Springtime
The tulips are blooming, the pool's still too cold to do laps but colleges are already wrapping up the year. That empty nest I moaned so much about is about to get an egg back. At least temporarily. (Non-refundable, non-exchangable, non-negotiable return ticket is set for Aug. 23... yes, Fall starts early, too) How come $40,000 buys only 8 months of schooling???
Maybe they just think we want 'em home by Mother's Day...
On the shopping list this week: popcorn, pretzels, Sprite, steak, pasta, chocolate whipped cream, Bailey's....